We are witnessing an unprecedented transfer of wealth from one generation to the next.
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network in partnership with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore for an exciting day of learning and networking with fellow philanthropic leaders. This half-day program will focus on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by grantmaking organizations and communities serving rural Maryland. We will learn from Dr. Yen Dang, Professor of the Rural Health Disparities Program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and Special Secretary Carmel Martin, Governor’s Office for Children. Gain insight and understanding regarding social determinants of health and Governor Moore's new place-based strategies associated with the E.N.O.U.G.H Act, which aims to reduce the causes of childhood poverty in communities across Maryland. Participants will then enjoy lunch and an engaging conversation with local voices to discuss shared goals around the racial, social, and economic inequities facing rural Maryland and how philanthropy might respond.
Public budgets are one of the most important policy instruments of our government. They are moral documents that reflect our values and priorities through decisions on how to tax residents and businesses and spend those collective resources. These decisions impact what families have to spend on basic needs and invest in their future, define the size of the government and its role in the national economy, and affect the lives of all Americans. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a special screening and discussion to learn about and discuss why federal and state budget and tax work matters to national, state, and local philanthropy.
Baltimore Together is a public-private initiative led by the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) to support the creation of a common vision of inclusive economic growth in Baltimore City. Through a thoughtful year-long process, a diverse group of stakeholders developed a comprehensive economic development strategy that builds on Baltimore’s strengths, acknowledges its challenges, and identifies a range of steps that will help create an inclusive and vibrant economy for all. Join the leadership of the Baltimore Development Corporation to learn about this initiative, its strategies and implementation, and the role BCD envisions for philanthropy.
Join us for a conversation with Laura Weeldreyer, Executive Director of Maryland Family Network, and some of our region’s child care providers to shed light on how national predictions are playing out in Maryland. Participants will learn how to support the safe, responsible re-opening of child care across the state, as well as how we rebuild a stronger and more sustainable industry made for all children and their caregivers.
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network and Mission Investors Exchange for a discussion about place-based impact investing practices in Maryland. Several case studies will be shared and discussed to understand what it looks like for foundations to elevate community priorities by investing in place.
Impact Hub Baltimore supports community leaders and social entrepreneurs to grow and thrive.
Advancing racial equity and supporting marginalized communities require intentional power shifting and the redistribution of wealth. Join the Rising Leaders for a brown bag discussion about strategies Maryland funders can use to promote systems of liberation in our communities.
Program resources from the Community Development/Investment Session.