This new report highlights ongoing initiatives to create jobs through economic inclusion in Baltimore.  Through interviews, it documents best practices and finds that the strategies create benefits for individuals, businesses and institutions.  The report calls for broader participation by businesses and institutions as well as people-focused investments and policies.


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A collaborative project of the BIP and Central Baltimore Partnership, this new directory of Baltimore nonprofit and public workforce development organizations is now available to help employers and community stakeholders find workforce partners to meet hiring needs. It summarizes the work of more than 45 organizations that support Baltimore City workers by offering skills training, eliminating barriers to employment, and facilitating job placement.


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The University of Colorado Denver’s second phase of an organizational network study of the BIP highlights results from extensive interviews with small business, workforce, and community stakeholders. The research brief includes community perspectives on economic inclusion work as well as a range of recommendations for institutions as well as businesses and public partners to consider as they work to implement new hiring, purchasing and investment strategies.


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For over a decade, members of the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC) have supported a growing number of industry focused workforce development initiatives, and the outcomes are notable. Through these efforts, previously unemployed residents are getting industry recognized certifications and jobs with career advancement opportunities at impressive rates. This report highlights several of these initiatives and offers recommendations on how they can be expanded.

Anchor institutions in Baltimore are working to strengthen minority and local purchasing to create jobs and local economic opportunities. To improve internal policies and practices, Next Street, U3 Advisors, and ML Whelley, LLC are completing reports assessing the budgetary, policy, infrastructure, and planning processes at five Baltimore anchor institutions.  Participating institutions include LifeBridge Health, Maryland Institute College of Art, Notre Dame, University of Maryland Medical System, and the University of Maryland-Baltimore. Common findings, strengths, challenges and...


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The University of Colorado Denver completed their first phase of an organizational network study to assess the ways in which the BIP partners collaborate with one another, as well as with local businesses, residents, and community-based organizations. Their analysis explores how larger systems and community factors in Baltimore relate to economic inclusion, how economic inclusion is implemented within an Anchor, and what enables or hinders economic inclusion efforts at the Anchor Institutions.


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Realizing the purchasing power of anchor institutions to support local businesses and in turn create jobs is the focus of this new report, Authored by Karp Resources, the report explores food procurement processes in anchor institutions, and identifies a range of strategies to more fully realize local purchasing power. The report recommends actions to support local minority-owned and small businesses, modifications to procurement processes, and outlines legislative opportunities to connect purchasing power to businesses in reinvestment areas. Many of the recommendations are applicable not...


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