Tuesday, March 02, 2021 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Technology has become an increasingly important tool for older adults and people with disabilities to stay connected to each other and to the goods, services, and supports they need to stay healthy and thrive. Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Affinity on Aging and our distinguished speakers as we learn ways to bridge the “digital divide” and ensure everyone has access to affordable high-speed internet, devices, and skills allowing them to safely access meaningful content and online tools to meet their needs.

Tuesday, February 02, 2021 at 03:30 to 05:00 PM

The aged homeless population is growing rapidly and will continue to grow for the next decade. Please Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Baltimore Seniors & Housing Collaborative for a discussion on forecasts of the aged homeless population; projected costs associated with the use of shelter, health care, and long-term care by this aged homeless population; proposed housing and service intervention models matched to the varying level of housing and services needs of these subgroups; and potential service cost reductions associated with housing interventions.
