MPN Peer Conversation: Responding to Proposed Transit Cuts in Baltimore

MPN Peer Conversation: Responding to Proposed Transit Cuts in Baltimore

Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Transit Administration has “proposed to slash its bus service in the Baltimore region next year by 20% — eliminating 25 bus lines and reducing service on 12 others — due to falling fare revenue and reduced funding from other sources caused by the coronavirus pandemic.” This reduction will impact residents as they travel to work, school, medical appointments, shopping and so much more. The public comment period on these changes will close on November 16th.

Please join us to learn about the cuts and possible alternatives, and to get an update on the advocacy work that is underway. The bulk of this session will involve a peer conversation about philanthropy’s role in responding to the MTA’s plans.

Our speakers will be:

  • Brian O’Malley, Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
  • Liz Cornish, Bikemore

Commentators/Discussion Leaders:

  • Matt Gallagher, Goldseker Foundation

This program is for members only. (Some guests may be invited to participate in the first 30 minutes of the program.)