Prenatal to Five: Setting the Stage for 2023 & Beyond - February 2023

Prenatal to Five: Setting the Stage for 2023 & Beyond - February 2023

Tuesday, February 14, 2023, 12:00 - 1:30 PM

The February Prenatal to Five Affinity Group meeting agenda will offer up proposals and ideas from the PN5 Steering Committee’s strategic discussion and exploration on behalf of the Group. Highlights and insights from the early childhood system landscape assessment and analysis that was conducted in 2022 will be presented.  There will also be time for each organization to share your top priorities in early childhood development and your geographic focus. This funders-only conversation is designed to support a shared process for setting the stage for the PN5 Group’s learning agenda, collaborative efforts, and collective influence for this year.

Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash.