Building a Better Partnership between Baltimore City Government and the Social Sector

Building a Better Partnership between Baltimore City Government and the Social Sector

Monday, April 19, 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

During Baltimore City Comptroller Bill Henry’s first few months in office, the policy and process challenges faced by nonprofits and fiscal partners doing business with the City are readily apparent and numerous. Complex contract processes, burdensome reimbursable grant practices, and byzantine paperwork requirements top the list of barriers faced by those seeking to partner with the City. While often cited as essential to ensure grant compliance, the current city administration believes they can build better partnerships with the social sector and still be accountable to grantors and each other.

You are invited to join Celeste Amato, Chief of Staff of the Baltimore City Comptroller, for a conversation intended to

  • Build out the initial list of issues that the Comptroller’s office has identified as needing attention;
  • Inform social sector leaders about some of the initial actions the Comptroller’s office, in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office, has taken to improve contract and reporting processes; and
  • Discuss the formation of a stakeholder group to continue engaging with the Comptroller’s office around issues, improvements, and to outline what a more ideal partnership could look like between local government and the nonprofit and fiscal partners.

This program is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members, fiscal projects, and invited guests only.


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