Viewpoint: Pandemic highlights importance of battling racial inequities in Baltimore's workforce

Viewpoint: Pandemic highlights importance of battling racial inequities in Baltimore's workforce

In its coverage of the COVID-19 crisis, the Baltimore Business Journal highlighted a white paper by a leading global investment executive from Baltimore on how the current crisis "offers opportunities (for investors) and the cost to get there." The next day, another piece appeared in the BBJ that quoted an office cleaning worker (coincidentally, in the same building as that investment firm) who shared her concerns about her work prospects as the economy begins to shut down. She and others like her are on the front lines for now, helping keep work spaces clean and safe and serving as employees who we now think of as "essential."

At Associated Black Charities, my team and I are focused on the intersection of these two storylines and how they reflect the jeopardy that years of structural racism have created for the region’s workforce.

Click here to read the full viewpoint article.

Source: Baltimore Business Journal