The Benefits of Giving: Why We Do What We Do, as Blacks in Philanthropy

The Benefits of Giving: Why we do what we do as Blacks in Philanthropy by Beverly Cooper
To give, to make a difference, is something to which to strive, whether you are black, white, yellow, red or brown. “To whom much is given, much is expected.”
In the United States, so many African Americans are living on the edge, receiving inadequate education, being paid the lowest wages with little hope of advancing. And then there are those who must work two or three jobs to be able to support their family.
Black philanthropists are honored to be able to make a difference in others’ lives, especially children and young people whose futures are ahead of them. Our Foundation’s founder would often say “I want our children to know everything the world has to offer them.”
To be able to help young black boys attend a wonderful school during their middle school years; the time most fraught with obstacles to success in a young boy’s life. A school that exposes them to “all the things the world has to offer.” To know that they have moved on to exceptional high schools and universities, and later they use what they have learned and experienced to help those who come after them.
To support young educators who choose to teach in the most problematic schools: who make a difference that is evident when children are happy to attend school and grades reflect progress made.
I quote from Colin Powell when speaking of young people:
“If we can provide them with rich enough experiences, they will take away something good that they can use to make their own and other peoples’ lives better. “
Written and Submitted by member Beverly Cooper, Reginald F. Lewis Foundation