WEBINAR: Pathways to Effective State Funding Strategies

WEBINAR: Pathways to Effective State Funding Strategies

Monday, February 05, 2018, 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Join us for our February First Monday + Election Series Discussion where we will share insights and data points uncovered from the Funders' Committee for Civic Participation's (FCCP) first State Funding Survey. We’ll also drill down and look at one state as a case study to understand how coordinating bodies, intermediaries, national and in-state funders are all operating from the lens of that one state. 

In this conversation, you will hear key highlights of the state funding landscape, how funders are approaching longer-term power-building investments in states, and what pathways can be created to more effectively align grantmakers to support the field.

Moderated by: Alexis Anderson-Reed, FCCP


  • Steven Cole-Schwartz, The Partnership Funds
  • Denise Cardinal, WIN Minnesota
  • Renee Fazari, Consultant
  • Ashish Sinha, FCCP

Please click here to register

Cosponsors: Maryland Philanthropy Network, Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, Environmental Grantmakers Maryland Philanthropy Network, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Grantmakers in Health, Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce, Health & Environmental Funders Network, Neighborhood Funders Group, Philanthropy New York, United Philanthropy Forum, and Women Donors Network.

Disclaimer: As with all FCCP events, the subject matter is strictly limited to non-partisan discussion as outlined in the agenda and is intended for funders and staff with philanthropy serving organizations.

