Member Sponsored Briefing: The Propel Baltimore Fund

Member Sponsored Briefing: The Propel Baltimore Fund

Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Please join the France-Merrick Foundation for a Member Sponsored Briefing on the Propel Baltimore Fund.

Today's investors believe they have to make a choice; invest for strong returns, or invest for social impact with typically modest to no returns. The Propel Baltimore Fund managed by TCP Venture Capital brings both the intent to realize significant returns, while driving job creation and economic development in Baltimore City. Join us for an introduction to the Propel Baltimore Fund and how in four years it has added hundreds of high paying technology jobs to Baltimore City, while attracting over $140 million in follow-on funding for its investments setting an example of a true win/win situation. 

This program is open to Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests only.

