Foundations on the Hill

Foundations on the Hill

Monday, March 20, 2017, 12:00 - 12:00 AM

Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is hosted by the Forum of Regional Maryland Philanthropy Networks of Grantmakers, in partnership with the Alliance for Charitable Reform and Council on Foundations. FOTH is a two-day event that brings together foundation leaders from across the country to DC for meetings with Congress about key issues of importance to foundations and philanthropy. Foundation trustees and staff work with their regional association to schedule meetings on Capitol Hill to personally discuss their work with members of Congress.

The purpose of #FOTH17 is to:

  • Inform and educate Congress about philanthropy
  • Create visibility for foundations and philanthropy on Capitol Hill
  • Advocate on issues affecting foundations
  • Encourage Congress to view foundations as resources on key public policy issues

Foundations on the Hill is the one time each year when philanthropy speaks with a strong, collective voice on Capitol Hill. This will be more critical than ever for #FOTH17, which is scheduled just a few months after the start of a new administration and a new Congress. We need to ensure that Congress understands the value of philanthropy to our communities and our country, and to stress the importance of doing all that we can to encourage more charitable giving to benefit our communities-particularly as discussions of tax reform become more prominent in Washington.

The registration rate for this event is $125. 


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